Oceania Duty Page | KIRYOS

  • Charges will apply when the ordered products arrive in your country.
  • Be prepared before your item arrives.
  • Please note that customs duties are the responsibility of the customer.
  • For shipping charges, please click HERE.



  Tote Bag Cotton Tote Bag Tshirt Embroidery Tshirt Sweat Shirt Long Sleeve Tshirt Ladies Socks Mens Socks Denim Jacket Denim Pants Bag in Jacket
HS-code 4202.92.90.42 4202.92.90.42 6109.10.00.05 6109.10.00.05 6110.20.00.50 6109.90.00.05 6115.95.10.53 6115.95.10.52 6203.32.00.09 6203.42.00.02 6203.33.00.09
Duty 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% FREE


 New Zealand

  Tote Bag Cotton Tote Bag Tshirt Embroidery Tshirt Sweat Shirt Long Sleeve Tshirt Ladies Socks Mens Socks Denim Jacket Denim Pants Bag in Jacket
HS-code 4202.92.09.19B 4202.92.09.19B 6109.10.12.00F 6109.10.12.00F 6110.20.02.01F 6109.90.12.00E 6115.95.09.00A 6115.95.19.00G 6203.32.02.00D 6203.42.02.01F 6203.33.02.00J
Duty 5% 5% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% FREE